Stronghurst School


History of Stronghurst Elementary School Small World Pre- School Stronghurst Schools



1937 Stronghurst High School Football Team Basketball Team 1928 Stronghurst Basketball Team SHS Athletic Girls 1899 Football Team

Stronghurst Football Team 1899 Champions. Left to right, Top row: #3 Manager Charles Bowen, #6 George Dixson. Middle row: #2 Earl Beardsley, #3 Del Dixson, #4 John Norwood. Bottom row: #3 Ney Salter. –Photo courtesy of Kenneth Norwood and Mary Lou Arnold

Stronghurst High Track Team of 1912 Stronghurst Track Team

School Bulding


1964 Stronghurst School Do You Remember These Stronghurst Schools New School House Stronghurst, IL School House Stronghurst Stronghurst Grade & High School – Stronghurst The Way It Used To Be Todays Modern Building



Stronghurst Grade School Circa 1915

5th Grade 6th Grade at Stronghurst 1927-1938 ’37 Stronghurst Grade School ’38 1926 Graduates 1926 Graduating Senior Class is 50 Year Class To Be Honored

Stronghurst High School Freshmen – 1922

Pictured left to right back row Clarence Vaughan, Charles Stine, Irene Kershnaw, Frances Seasey, Dorothy Van Arsdale, Pauline Marsden, Marion Sullins, Chester Brokaw. Next row Joe Howell, Dick Steffev, Myrtle Shallenberger, Elsie Ahlers, Golda Davis, Paul Bell, Edward Beardsley, Bessie Curd, Ferne Coleman. Next row Gladys Lant, Mittie White, Dick Howell, Max Veech, Wilda Galbraith, Alma Mills, Sharon Gregory, Alfred Shallenberger. 1st row Miss Landon (class sponsor), Frances Mehaffey, Florence Findley, Lois Marshall, Gladys Mudd, Sarah Brook, Lucile Butler, and Lorraine Anderson. There are twenty five living.

1927 Stronghurst 3rd and 4th Grades 1928 Stronghurst 5th and 6th Grades 1928 – 1929 3rd and 4th Grades 1939 – 1940 Stronghurst 8th Grade

Back Row: Betty Bowen, June Morris, Florence Mae Findley, Sarah Eileen Taylor, Edward Brooks. Front Row: James Keith, Francis Jones, Emmy Lou Scharf, Doris Hicks, Keith Johnson

1946 Stronghurst 1st and 2nd Grade Class of 1954 Do You Recognize Anyone? Spring 1913 Stronghurst First Grade 1932 – 1933 Stronghurst 1933 – 1934 1st and 2nd Grades Stronghurst Class of 1925

Pictured left to right front row: Gertrude Gibb, Winifred Jones, Idelle Hollingswort, Loren Pearson, Lucile Parish, Lena Morey and Lyle McKeown. Second row: L.O. Dawson, Frank Wilcox, Grace Kemp, Nellie Johnson, Wendell Adair, Phillip Chant, unknown and Faye McMillan. Back row: Rachel Hazel Stine, Doris Dixson, Clifford Mills, Don Chandler, Clarence Burrell, Eldred Kemp, Roberta Denum and Alice Powell

Stronghurst Grade School 1929 – 1920 Stronghurst High Class Of ’28 Stronghurst High School – 1923 Stronghurst High School Class of ’24 Stronghurst High School Sophomore Class Stronghurst School Grades 7 & 8 February 1950 Stronghurst School Grades 5 & 6- 1912-1913

  1. Nona/ Billips/ Berg
  2. Martha Dair’s Raling
  3. Nellie Brown
  4. Lester Wilson
  5. Lillian Shaw
  6. Mary Dixon
  7. Ruth Nolan
  8. Jauneta Mudd
  9. Agnes Kurby
  10. Ruth Foredice
  11. Lucille Jones
  12. Mazine Mains Flanagan
  13. Elsie Russler