Text Message Alerts
A text messaging service called Shoutbomb is available if you would like to receive text notices on your phone about holds that are available, items that are due soon and overdue items. Shoutbomb also lets you send a text to renew a loan. (The library does not charge a fee for this service, but your mobile plan’s regular text-messaging rates apply.)
You will need a mobile device capable of sending text messages, the barcode number from your library card (ten digits, Dxxxxxxxxx), and the PIN for your library account.
Send text message to 309-326-7110 (add this number to your contact list): SIGNUP+PatronBarCode+PIN
Once your Shoutbomb registration is complete, you will automatically get text notices around 9am about holds, items due in the next 3 days, overdues and more. Texts are only sent when activity in your library account triggers them.