Duck Pond School
Duck Pond School- Raritan Duck Pond or Union– Dist. #2
Duck Pond or Union District #2 – Raritan Township
Written by Mrs. Willis (Reva Mustain) Adams
May 9, 1981. The school’s proper name is Union #3 but years ago there was a lot of water around the school year. There was no tile in the land and water stood there the year round and wild ducks stayed there and hatched their young, hence it gained the name “Duck Pond”. The water was so deep they had a board to walk on to get to the building.
The last building was built the summer of 1916. I began teaching there that September and in November we moved over in the new building.
The old schoolhouse was located just north of the new one. I don’t know if the old building was the original one or not but from the condition of it at that time it was very old. I think perhaps the land was donated by the Voorhees Family because I understand Elmer Livermore got the land when the school was closed.
Teachers who taught were Bird Grate–she taught when Ira Adams went to school. He started to school about 1879.
Dell Harris, Dove Meachim, Mable Randall
Clara Adkins, Ruth Leinbach, Anna LeVelle
Mrs. Burke, May Crickett, Madge Quinn
Mr. Green, Bertha Berthoff, Fannie Irene Strickler
Paris Jobe, Mary Sweeney, Gladys Shaw
Lee Maley, Thelma Smith, Mary Sweeney
Uda Sedaburg, Dema Stevenson, Esther Stout
Mr. LaTell, Fern Dowell, Reva Mustain
Alice Adkins, Gladys Rankin, Opal Lober
Pay was from about $35. a month to in the last years $125. for teaching all 8 grades but in later years grades were alternated except 1st and 2nd.
When I (Reva Mustain Adams) taught, Dave Strand, Clyde Grate and Ira Adams were directors.
Duck Pond School(Year Unknown)
Back Row – Joe Grate, John Adams, Vernon Grate, Donna Stevenson, Laurie Ray, Lefman Ray
Front Row – Marliene Grate, Helen Melivin, Wayne Wachild, Vern Foster, Wayne Covert, Paul Grate